Code Green Training Services
Code Green offers personal and group training services.
Classes are held variously at local gun ranges, in other local meeting rooms (when no range work is required), at venues chosen by the groups we are training, and even in your private home or business.
Training can be from our selection of courses, or customized to meet your exact requirements.
All our instructors have passed the National Rifle Association’s Instructor Training Course – but please note that only the courses specifically marked as NRA courses are official NRA designed courses. None of the other training material has been formally approved by the NRA.
Most instructors have other formal training and qualifications too.
‘Off the Shelf’ Courses Include :
NRA Courses
These three courses are offered by officially certified NRA Training Instructors and follow the NRA course outlines and specifications. While it is easy to criticize some of the political compromises inherent in some of the NRA material, the fact remains they are the ‘gold standard’ and the most widely recognized of all training programs in the country.
Please click links to go to the Course Description for any of these courses.
- NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation (An official NRA course)
- NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course (An official NRA course)
- NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course (An official NRA course)
Non-NRA Courses
These other courses do not follow NRA curriculums. Does that make them better or worse? Clearly, we feel they may be better, because they are customized to reflect the reality of the world we’re in and do not need to be compromised in the interests of political correctness.
For example, the NRA does not allow the use of the word ‘weapon’ in any of its classes, and neither does it allow the use of targets that even vaguely/abstractly resemble human forms. We’re quite happy to refer to guns as weapons, and while we don’t have targets that are photo likenesses of particular public figures, we do use ‘silhouette’ type targets in some of our range drills.
Some of our courses are class-room type classes, and others are practical on-the-range shooting classes. Class-room courses may have some practice drills, but no live weapons or ammunition are allowed in the classroom, just practice dummy guns.
We suggest you take a mix of both types of class.
Dry Fire Training Course
This is an interesting and invaluable class to take. It teaches you how to do a lot of the ongoing practice you’ll need to do, in the comfort and convenience of your own home, without using a gun and live ammo, while still getting every bit as much benefit from the practice as you would if you packed up your gear, drove to the local range, spent money on targets, ammo, and range fees, then drove home again afterwards and spent still more time cleaning your guns after firing them.
There are some vital issues to consider when planning a dry fire home training program. We walk you through these issues so that you can train more often, more extensively, more conveniently, more safely, and more cheaply, than you would/could otherwise do.
Please see the detailed course information page for more about our Dry Firing Skills Development class.
Concealed Weapons Permit Classes
We offer ‘All Inclusive’ classes for people seeking to obtain a concealed weapons permit. These classes meet or exceed the training requirements of each state’s permit granting process, and – where possible – they also include the photographing and fingerprinting services you’ll need as part of the application process.
Please see our page that discusses the different concealed weapon permit options for Washington state residents, plus of course, the course descriptions linked below.
Custom Training for Groups
If you belong to any type of group and wish to have a specific training course for your group members, we can work with you to create the appropriate course.
Whether it is firearms use for disabled people, or for outdoors hikers, or for a corporate, sports, or social group – any group at all, even a neighborhood watch or any other type of group, we can put something together that will exactly match the level of interest and desired knowledge transfer and course duration you seek.
A shared experience such as a course of firearms training can be a great method for group bonding.
Custom Training for Individuals
Maybe you wish some personal one-on-one training, or perhaps you and your partner (and possibly other family members too) want to have some highly focused training where you can learn at exactly your speed.
If you are already competent, you don’t need to worry about being slowed down to average speed as part of a mixed group of students.
If you’re unfamiliar with firearms and not yet comfortable with them, you don’t need to worry about the speed of the group rushing you through things and leaving you half-trained and improperly prepared.
Or maybe you’ve taken a previous firearms course where you were part of a huge group of students with way too few instructors, and while you heard the words of what to do, there was too little practical personal involvement with an instructor teaching you what to do, and helping you correct any errors and mistakes you were unconsciously making.
A custom training program would clearly be the best solution for you in all these cases.
A related type of service is our Home Defense Audit. We’ll visit your residence and critique its present vulnerabilities both to casual burglars and more serious home invaders, give you suggestions for how to make your home less tempting and less at risk, and then talk through the specifics of how you should respond every time there is an unknown caller at your door, or – unthinkable and unlikely as it hopefully is – if your home is invaded.
Code Green Training Guarantee
You want to be certain that the time and money, the effort and the energy, that you invest into your training is well spent. And so, to give you that confidence, we have a simple and straightforward guarantee. Please visit our page explaining our Code Green Training Guarantee.