The Fallacy of "The Gun is Better than Me"

The Fallacy of “The Gun is Better than Me”

Some people obsess over the accuracy of their firearms.  Others laugh and dismiss the concept as irrelevant, saying something like “the gun shoots so much better than I can, so it doesn’t really matter exactly how accurate the gun itself is”. If they cite numbers, they might say “I can shoot to within about 6″ of the point I’m aiming at.  But these two firearms will shoot to within 1″ or 2″ of the aiming […]

How to Avoid Being Carjacked.  Part 2 :  Solutions

How to Avoid Being Carjacked. Part 2 : Solutions

This is the second part of a two-part article on carjacking.  If you arrived directly here from a link or search engine, you might find it helpful to first read part 1 – The Risks of Being Carjacked. The surprisingly good news that we learned in the first part of this two-part article is that only 45% of attempted carjackings succeed, and that your chances of injury halve if you resist the carjacking attempt. You […]

How to Avoid Being Carjacked.  Part 1 :  Risks

How to Avoid Being Carjacked. Part 1 : Risks

We regularly write about the dangers that lurk in places where we feel comfortable and safe, for the simple reason that we do feel comfortable and safe in such places, and so we relax and are no longer as alert and aware as we are when in unfamiliar and clearly higher risk locations. The most extreme example of this is our home, and we’ve lots of articles on how you need to maintain a level […]

Holstering Safety Considerations When Carrying Concealed

Holstering Safety Considerations When Carrying Concealed

Accidental discharges – some people prefer to call them negligent discharges, because in truth, such events are almost always due to stupidity rather than random blameless accident – are invariably unfortunate and sometimes fatal.  They are particularly unfortunate when they happen to a person while carrying concealed, because the event provides valuable ammunition to gun control advocates as ‘proof’ that people can’t be trusted to safely carry firearms. So you want to do all you […]

Lessons from a Gunfight

Lessons from a Gunfight

We teach two things that many people disagree with – the need to be ready to shoot at (and only occasionally hit) attackers very many times before they will cease to be a threat, and that no pistol calibers are very effective when it comes to stopping attackers. Traditional firearms defense classes will sometimes advocate you shoot twice then stop and observe if the person is still a threat.  We understand the unfortunate reason that […]

Two Lessons From This Encounter

Two Lessons From This Encounter

An alert and armed 81 yr old gent, Mr James Stevens, was driving back to his home in central Florida when he noticed a Kia following him.  Well done, Mr Stevens.  Too many of us barely glance in our mirror and don’t take any notice of who or what is behind us. In addition, a plain ordinary vehicle like a Kia is something you’re likely to look at then ignore and develop a mental blind […]

The Danger of Opening Your Front Door

The Danger of Opening Your Front Door

We tend to be at our most relaxed when we are at home, and while we might sometimes be annoyed at the inconvenience of people knocking on our front door, we seldom stop to consider them as aggressive would-be home invading attackers. Here’s a recent news story about a man who went to answer his door bell, and saw a youth standing outside who he didn’t recognize.  The man assumed the youth was a friend […]

Don't Get Carried Away in Self Defense

Don’t Get Carried Away in Self Defense

Here’s a short and simple story with a very powerful lesson in it; about a homeowner in Utah arrested and jailed on two misdemeanor counts of reckless endangerment. He arrived home to surprise three burglars about to break into his house.  It seems two of them raced away in their vehicle, and the third fled on foot. Which is where the problem arose.  The homeowner apparently fired one shot at the car as it drove […]