Home Defense Pistol Skills Level 2

  •  3 – 4 hours
  • Range Class, involves live fire
  • Must have passed our Home Defense Pistol Skills Level 1 class
  • Bring your own gun and gear for tactical range work (see our standard gear requirements and tactical range gear requirements) or tell us what you don’t have/do need so we can arrange to rent or sell it to you.  Note we can rent you everything you need, including a pistol, but – and especially for this level 2 class, we strongly recommend you should train with your own pistol.  We provide targets.
  • Fee :  $125

Our Level 2 Home Defense Pistol Skills class builds on the skills you’ve already required in the preceding class.

In addition to speeding up your ability to work through the Level 1 skills, we add new skills including ‘failure to stop’ drills, shooting from behind cover/concealment, and shooting from kneeling or prone positions.  We may also add some introductory low light drills.

We also cover basic house clearing drills.  Although we do not recommend you should go looking for an intruder, there are times when you have no choice – for example, you have children or others in other parts of the house that you also need to protect.

The course ends with a skills test which you can potentially pass at either a standard level or with distinction.  It is necessary to pass this skills test in order to be able to progress to the Level 2 Outside/Concealed Skills class.

If you don’t pass this skills test – and many people don’t – you can retake the class again and again, with a discount being offered to repeat students.

As always, we guarantee the value and quality of our training.  If at the conclusion of the class you feel you did not learn anything and did not gain new skills, ask for a refund.

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