Outside and Concealed Carry Defensive Pistol Skills


We’ve split our practical defensive pistol training into two major categories.  One category teaches you pistol skills you’re likely to need when facing a confrontation inside your home, the other category teaches you skills for when you’re out of your home, probably in a situation where you’re carrying a concealed weapon.

We have two classes in the Outside the Home and Concealed Carry Pistol Skills series.  The first requires you to have passed the Home Defense Pistol Skills Level 1 class, and the second requires you to have passed the Home Defense Pistol Skills Level 2 class.  This is because each of these outside the home/concealed carry classes build on and assume knowledge and competency of skills that are taught in these other two classes.

Some people do both the Inside the Home classes before then doing the Outside the Home classes, other people prefer to alternate first one then the other and back again.  You’re free to choose whichever way you prefer.

We have two classes, a Level 1 and a Level 2 class.  Each class runs 3 – 4 hours, and so between them, you’re getting somewhere between 6 – 8 hours tuition.  This might seem like a lot of tuition and time, but trust us – it isn’t.  We’re compressing what would normally take perhaps three times as many hours range time into these classes.

The classes are a mix of teaching you new skills and then helping you improve them – for example, we teach you how to shoot at a single target quickly, then how to shoot at multiple targets (even more quickly!).   The classes also have layers of sophistication in them – we teach you the basic level skills in the first level, and the advanced level skills in the second level.

There are tests at the end of each class.  It is not unusual for less than half a class to pass the test the first time they take it, and that’s okay.  You can return and take the class a second time, a third time, indeed, as many times as you like.

Here is the more specific information about our Outside and Concealed Carry Defensive Pistol Skill classes

  • Outside/Concealed Pistol Skills Level 1
  • Outside/Concealed Pistol Skills Level 2

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