How Best to Concealed Carry Your Pistol

  • Two Hours
  • Classroom only, no range work or live fire
  • No special equipment required
  • Best for people who are considering (or who already are) carrying a concealed pistol on a regular basis
  • Fee :  $60

The Code Green How Best to Concealed Carry Your Pistol class will save you many times its fee.  Concealed carry holsters can cost up to – and even over – $200 each, and most people end up buying many different holsters through a painful (literally – many holsters are appallingly uncomfortable) and costly process of trial and error before selecting one particular holster that acceptably suits their needs.

Hence, most people talk about having a drawer full of useless holsters.  Unfortunately, it is not just talk – many of us truly do have a drawer full of useless holsters.  This course will help minimize your own frustrations and wasted purchases.

So what is the best way to carry a concealed pistol?  If there were one single right answer to this question, there’d be no need for a two-hour class on the topic.  But, sadly, there is no single answer – instead, you need to wade deep into a morass of nuances and compromises.

You first need to compromise on the size of your concealed carry pistol.  Then you need to make compromises between comfort, concealability, and speed of access.  You can choose at least one, and get close to two of these three issues, but seldom can find a solution giving you good results in all three key areas.

Everyone’s body shape is different, adding a further variable into the already complicated equation.  Furthermore, there is the question of ‘how much concealment do I need?’.  Depending on your personal circumstance, maybe you need an ultra-concealable rig, or maybe you can get away with a light level of social concealment only.

Most people know about the classic forms of carry – shoulder holsters, waistbelt holsters, and ankle holsters.  We add all sorts of other types of concealment option to the ‘big three’, and talk about all the variations within these three major families of holsters.

We don’t just talk about concealment – we demonstrate more than a dozen different products for you to get a real world understanding of actual concealability.  Strangely, most manufacturers’ website and catalog photos don’t accurately show the real-world concealability issues you can expect.

As always, we guarantee you’ll be satisfied with the information and value you receive from this course.  If you’re not satisfied, simply ask for a refund.

  2 Responses to “How Best to Concealed Carry Your Pistol”

  1. […] recommend you consider attending our How Best to Concealed Carry class to learn about all the different ways you can successfully and discreetly carry a pistol, […]

  2. […] recommend you consider attending our How Best to Concealed Carry class to learn about all the different ways you can successfully and discreetly carry a pistol, […]

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