Links and Other Web Resources


Legal Resources

Armed Citizens Network – This site smells a bit scammy (or maybe just too commercial), but the people involved in operating this service are well known and respected in the gun community, so it is probably a bona fide albeit a somewhat uneasy mix of ‘for profit’ and altruism.  It is a good idea, although one wonders if their fund might be a bit inadequate for even one major lawsuit defense.

Washington State Administrative Code (WAC) – The Administrative regulations that supplement the laws in WA state

Washington State Revised Code of Washington (RCW) – The laws of the state


General Information

Ballistics by the Inch – An amazing website with information about bullet speed as a function of barrel length for many different calibers and cartridges of pistol ammunition.  Great reference source.

Brass Fetcher Ballistics Testing – Another comprehensive website that gives very detailed reports on ballistic penetration capabilities of many different rounds for pistols, rifles and shotguns. – An extensive (but not 100% complete or uptodate) listing of information about handguns.  Uses some interesting calculations to estimate ‘lethality’ and perceived recoil that should be taken with a dose of salt, and a somewhat simplistic approach to measuring concealability too.  Nonetheless, still a very useful reference site when researching guns. – A very good and wide-ranging collection and analysis of gun control issues in general.  Lots of cross-references and plenty to give you the background and understanding you need.

Gun Facts – This excellent site offers a free PDF book crammed full of the lies put forward by gun haters and with factual rebuttals to their lies.  You need to read this so as to be able to offer full and fair facts if/when you get into discussions (arguments!) with your gun-hating friends. –  There are a number of different sites that offer details about things such as concealed carry reciprocity between the various different states.  This site seems to be the one that is most regularly updated, and with the most comprehensive information on it.  As always, be very careful accepting non-attorney’s interpretations of the law, and double check what you read with the actual underlying statutes, and in any grey areas, it is probably best to be cautious.

Steve’s Pages – this site has an extraordinary archive of scanned pdfs of owner’s manuals, plus additional bonus materials such as Army Field Manuals and various other firearms related books.

Washington Arms Collectors – This is the leading WA state firearm owners association.  They hold gun show meetings once or twice a month, generally in Monroe and Puyallup, publish a good monthly magazine, and participate in state level gun rights advocacy.  If you’re not yet a member, you really should join.  Only members can buy and sell firearms at their gun shows, which (particularly in Puyallup) are of enormous size and have a huge range of old and new firearms and related gear; although not always at great prices.

Discussion Forums

Defensive Carry – A primary focus on carrying pistols for self defense, but other forums too on general firearms topics

Gun Rights Media – Lots of discussions, plus a library section with a huge amount of resource and research materials

Northwest Firearms – Seems to have some Oregon content as well as WA.  General mix of topics – Lots of guns offered for sale (and want ads too) – A reasonably active regional forum site for WA state gun owners

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